Leading Virtual Teams
Leading in a digital environment presents business critical opportunities, as well as a myriad of challenges: geographies, gender, generations, cultures, interruptions, noise, languages, time zones, technologies, and just straight up personality differences. It can be hard to know which behaviors lead to the most productive outcomes, and therefore how to best train and prepare your leaders. Bring your challenges as you work through our evidence-based model of Creating Community, Directing Digitally, and Engaging Electronically. Incorporate best practices for managing global, distributed teams. Maximize virtual presence and rapport to get the results you need.
Ms. Stefanie Heiter is the managing partner of the Bridging Distance LLC, a digital workplace solutions firm helping companies maximize the productivity of a global, distributed workforce. She is among the nation’s leading thinkers in the human side of virtual work. She provides expertise in such areas as leadership and team development for those located in the same place and virtually. Her efforts enable people to create productive relationships across distance, while pulling them out of the email and meeting insanity, giving them back valuable time and focus.
As a pioneer, Stefanie’s research and consulting experience in dispersed, international work began 20 years ago, keeping her at the cutting-edge of this emerging field. Her clients include Sanofi, Microsoft, Walgreens, Baker Hughes, and Lockheed Martin, in addition to numerous others of varying size and industry. She enhances their ability to thrive in the digital workplace by enhancing performance at the intersection of technology and relationship building. Stefanie has authored numerous published articles in the area of virtual leadership, teams and communications, and is a frequent speaker. She is currently finishing a book on Electronic Body Language. Over the years, she led the company in researching and creating a series of evidence-based models in Organizational Fitness, The Virtual Leader™, Virtual Team Fitness™, Electronic Body Language™, Telecommuter Fitness, Meeting-itis, Virtual Work Essentials, and Cross-Cultural Communications 3.0. These serve as the foundation for assessments, workshops, and consulting processes.
When not at her client office locations, Stefanie works remotely from her home in Townsend, Massachusetts, but remains closely connected to her partners, distributors, clients and associates through technology.
Date/Time: Thursday October 5 – 7:30 a.m. networking, 8:00-9:00 a.m. facilitated discussion,
Central One Federal Credit Union in Shrewsbury
$10 nonmember
$ 0 member
If you have any questions please contact Sandra Kearney at Sandrak [at] growthco.com or Linda StJohn at Linda [at] lsjleadershipcoaching.com
Bronze Sponsor: Central One Federal Credit Union