• April 01, 2019 8:07 PM | Anonymous



    See you at the New England Conference networking event Thursday!

    Our Partnership Director, Wendi Braun, is attending the conference and would love to say hello to our CMATD members. Please look for Wendi as you enter the networking hall around 7:00 pm.

    Interested in presenting at an upcoming meeting? 

    We want to hear from you! If you have a presentation that we feel is relevant, captivating and valuable to our community, contact our Programs Director [email link] today. Presentations are the bread and butter of our monthly meetings. They provide an opportunity for active engagement and interaction between participants. Our members represent diverse backgrounds and experience in the workplace learning and performance community. Members include trainers, organizational development practitioners, human resource professionals, instructional designers, managers and executives, internal and external consultants. Email: Programs@tdcentralmass.org 

    Recap: Meet the Board Event

    We had a great time introducing ourselves to our members at Jimmy’s Tavern in Shrewsbury last month. There is still so much more we’d like to know about our members and information we wish to share. We’ll continue conversations in person at our future meetings but also online. So check our website regularly for information on upcoming events, blog series, and updates on LinkedIn and Twitter.

    Hold the Date - April 17 for Eric Bloom

    Having influence at your organization enables trainers to be successful when rolling out their programs. Hold April 17 to hear Eric Bloom share concepts, techniques and practices to help you raise your “Influence Power Rating”. Eric is a former CIO, #1 bestselling author on Amazon, a TEDx Speaker and the Executive Director of the IT Management and Leadership Institute, the governing body of the ITMLP and ITMLE certifications. He also provides specialized training on IT leadership, interpersonal communication and productivity skills. Registration details will be posted soon!


    Have You Thought About Becoming an ATD Power Member?                                                    

    When you join our local CMATD chapter and ATD National, you are choosing to be a knowledge leader in the talent development profession AND a learning leader in your own backyard.

    Joint membership offers learning professionals a unique opportunity to connect with local, national, and international professionals. Stay on top of the latest learning trends, and gain access to research and templates that can help in advancing your career!  For more information please visit our website.

    Training Opportunities

    Don't miss this great opportunity! ATD is offering certificate courses in the Greater Boston area. These courses will build your professional knowledge and skills, and expand your network. Upcoming sessions include:

    ATD Master Trainer Program 7/22/19 - 7/25/2019, Boston (Burlington), MA

    ATD Master Performance Consultant Program, 12/02/19 - 12/05/19, Boston (Burlington), MA

    Visit the ATD Educational Website to learn more about these courses. Make sure to use the Central Mass Chapter Chip code CH1201  which gives our local chapter credit when you register for programs.


    LinkedIn Twitter

  • March 10, 2019 2:39 PM | Anonymous

    CMATD was notified by ATD that our chapter has met the 18 required elements for the Chapter Affiliation Requirements and is recognized for 100% achievement.  

    In addition, the chapter was also recognized as a Chapter Membership Super Star because 50% of our members are both local and national members.

  • February 08, 2019 5:56 PM | Anonymous

    The TD Professional book club is starting our third book on Friday February 8th so now is a great time share the resource with your community again. 

    Here are a few key points for the program and marketing to keep in mind:

    • The program sign up page is here: https://www.pbc.guru/td/ . This is where people go to create their accounts and get started with the book club.
    • The book club is open to all TD Professionals 
    • The group officially starts our new book on February 8th  as people will still have two months to complete the reading.

  • January 27, 2019 2:41 PM | Anonymous

    You’re convinced that you want to attend ATD 2019, and we really want you there; now it’s time to convince your boss! Most managers will be concerned about the return on investment—every dollar has to be justified, and so does the time away from the office. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Use these tools to show why your organization needs to invest in ATD 2019!

    Tools to Make a Business Case to Attend

    Use the following tools to demonstrate the tangible benefits of attending ATD 2019 to your manager. These tools will show your manager that you’ve done your research, built your business case, and are serious about attending.

    Manager Letter

    Customize this letter to help your manager understand why ATD 2019 is one of the most cost-effective and valuable conferences for you.

    Session and Exhibitor Worksheet

    Customize this worksheet to outline the sessions you will attend, and detail how these sessions will help solve any workplace challenges. Additionally, list the exhibitors you plan to visit; if you’re currently reviewing suppliers, this is the perfect opportunity to request demonstrations and see the products and services firsthand.

    Investment Worksheet

    Fill out this worksheet to approximate the financial investment required for you to attend.

    Support  Central Mass ATD and use our CHiP Code: 1201!  We'll get a financial report directly to the chapter!

  • October 18, 2018 8:00 AM | Anonymous

    ATD’s Talent Development Across Industries (TDI) conference is coming up in New Haven on October 18-19. There is a special discounted rate that has been extended to ATD chapter leaders and chapter members: by entering the coupon code 25TDI at checkout, you can receive 25% off the conference registration! Your chapter can also earn CHIP revenue for any TDI registrations when your ChIP code (1201)is entered at checkout. Please feel free to share the below blurb and attached flyer with your membership, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

    What are you doing to create compelling and effective compliance training? ATD’s Talent Development Across Industries (TDI) conference will address the challenges of creating impactful compliance training. This conference brings learning professionals from three highly regulated industries—financial services, manufacturing and life sciences—to learn best practices from each other and experts in their fields on compliance training and creating a culture of innovation.

    Chapter members receive an additional 25 percent off the member price—saving you more than $200! Join us at Yale School of Management on October 18 and 19 for TDI!

  • September 05, 2018 2:02 PM | Anonymous

    As part of ATD Member Week, taking place September 10-14, you can receive a 10 percent discount on your ATD membership dues on top of the $30 discount that Power Members (members of both ATD and their local chapter) already receive. Join or renew your ATD membership online or by contacting ATD’s Customer Care team at 703.683.8100. Remember to select our chapter on the drop-down menu online during checkout or mention our chapter’s name over the phone to receive the Power Member rate.

  • September 05, 2018 1:56 PM | Anonymous

    Our chapter is partnering with more than 40 ATD Chapters to create an online book club for L&D professionals around the country. The group will connect virtually through an online forum to discuss books related to L&D, training, organizational development and much more. You can learn more and sign up for the book club here: https://www.pbc.guru/td/ . The program is completely free so feel free to pass the opportunity on to friends and colleagues.

    The book club will give participants the opportunity to:

    • Read interesting books related to Talent and Development
    • Connect with other TD professionals around the country to grow their professional network and learn from their peers
    • Participate entirely online so the program can work with people's busy schedules
    • Hold themselves accountable to reading by being part of a cohort

    The book club will be moderated by Zach Rubin, Co-Founder and CEO of Professional Book Club Guru. PBC Guru manages virtual professional book clubs for companies and will be hosting the group for the chapter. You can learn more about PBC Guru at www.pbc.guru and email Zach Rubin at zach@pbc.guru with any questions about the book club.

  • August 23, 2018 10:39 AM | Anonymous

    Our September speaker, Sarah A. Scala has shared a recent blog posting in advance of our meeting September 18th!

    I first learned about coaching with the Positive Emotional Attractor (PEA) and Negative Emotional Attractor (NEA) through the courses “Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence” and “Conversations That Inspire: Coaching Learning, Leadership and Change” at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Massive Open Online learning Courses (MOOCs).

    The goal of coaching is to support positive behavior change. Compassion coaching is focused on the coachee’s vision and ideal self, while Compliance coaching focuses on the organization’s objectives and goals (CWRU, 2014). Through Compassion coaching, we activate the PEA by focusing on strengths and the coachee’s positive vision of the future. The PEA is reached when we focus on “optimism, hope, possibilities, dreams, vision, strengths, compassion, curiosity, learning, and experimentation” (CWRU, 2014).

    Compliance coaching is used when we focus on problems, tasks, fears, weaknesses, and expectations, which activates the NEA (Howard, 2015). Compliance coaching often taps into the NEA, arousing a stress response. This can occur when we need to make a decision, solve problems, and focus (CWRU, 2014). “NEA focuses on performance and weaknesses, activates the sympathetic nervous system, releasing hormones, increases blood pressure, heart rate and stress response” (Jack et al, 2013 as cited in Boyatzis, Smith, & Blaize, 2006; Sapolsky, 2004).

    I have found when using a Compliance approach in coaching, clients tend to become defensive and tense, which in my opinion, may not open them up to welcoming change. Defensiveness and tenseness are not bad responses, and in some cases are appropriate. At other times, being relaxed may be better for the client. Through activation of PEA, I support the client to be less tense during coaching sessions.

    It may be very easy for coaches to perceive NEA as an approach to avoid, and one that is bad. However, NEA is important and essential to survival. NEA simply isn’t needed as often as PEA for positive behavior change and learning.

    How often should coaches use PEA and NEA with coachees?

    Over the last 20 years, “coaching has refocused toward strengths based approaches, orienting individuals to focus on things they do well” (Fredrickson, 2009). Research indicates a best result with a ratio of 3-6 PEA to every 1 NEA in coaching (CWRU, 2010). World renowned positivity researcher, Dr. Barbara Fredrickson shares in her book Positivity, that a 3 to 1 ratio of positive to negative emotions supports resilience to adversity, strengthens relationships, relieves depression, and improves health (2009). The ratio can be slightly different for each person, and that “80% of Americans fall short of the 3-to-1 positivity ratio that predicts flourishing” (Fredrickson, 2009).

    How do we provide coaching experiences that support PEA and NEA with clients?

    PEA is triggered during times of hope, playfulness, Compassion, and mindfulness, while NEA is triggered during times of fear, shame, anxiety, and guilt (CWRU, 2014). PEA and NEA are built into the ICT model. Having the coachee discuss the Ideal Self is an approach that is focused on a positive view of the future. This puts the coachee in a place of hope and PEA. When looking at the Real Self, the coachee may move into both the NEA and PEA as they look at current successes and development areas. Remembering that NEA is not bad, a coach simply needs to activate more PEA than NEA. NEA is very important for solving problems and completing tasks—critical elements necessary for successful organizations.

    Questions? Let’s connect. I would love to hear your success stories. Please send them to: hello@sarahscala.com or visit www.sarahscala.com


    Case Western Reserve University. (2014). ‘Conversations That Inspire: Coaching Learning, Leadership and Change’, lecture notes. Viewed on November 8 2016. .

    Case Western Reserve University. (2017). ‘Coaching'. Viewed on February 22, 2017. https://weatherhead.case.edu/executive-education/coaching/

    Fredrickson, B. (2009). Positivity: Top-notch research reveals the 3 to 1 ratio that will change your life. New York: Three Rivers Press.

    Howard, Anita R. (April 24, 2015). Coaching to vision versus coaching to improvement needs: a preliminary investigation on the differential impacts of fostering positive and negative emotion during real time executive coaching sessions. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 2-13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00455.

    Kauffman C. (2006). “Positive psychology,” in The Science at the Heart of Coaching, eds Stober D. R., Grant A. M., editors. (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley; ).

    Seligman, M. (2011) Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. New York, NY: Free Press.

    Visit her website

  • March 30, 2018 7:00 PM | Anonymous

     Our chapter has met the CARE requirements for ATD chapter affiliates for 2018. This is a significant accomplishment for us, as it attests to our health as a chapter and our commitment to serving your needs.

    CARE stands for Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE), which are performance guidelines designed to help ATD chapters deliver consistent benefits to members. CARE consists of 18 elements in five key areas that are necessary for running a chapter like a business: administration, financial, membership, professional development, and communication. We met all 18 elements.

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